Is it possible to leave cuba

So all eyes are now on the next National Assembly on Monday, where there is a cautious hope that progress will be made. But there is some resistance to changing a policy of almost 50 years," says Mr Hernandez. But I don't think it will be more than we have now," he says. They will not be lost to Cuba forever.

Currently, anyone who stays overseas for more than 11 months loses residency rights. According to the National Statistics Office, 38, people were "lost" in that way in alone. For many years, those who left the island were seen as traitors, enemies of the revolution. The rhetoric has changed, with official recognition that many Cubans leave for economic reasons. It's now argued that easing the travel restrictions would allow those who work abroad to maintain their ties with the island, and potentially return with new expertise and - critically - funds.

At this summer's art Biennial there was a silhouette of a plane breaking through fencing on the sea front and images of the Malecon sea wall, made of barbed wire. And one house in a city side street was decked-out as an airport, with human-like figures poking through windows and hanging from ceilings.

The Cuban exit visa has been a key point of contention for many critics of the Communist government, who seized upon the travel restrictions to call the country an island prison. But Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban-American Republican congresswoman from Florida, said the new travel law does not change her concerns about human rights on the island. Some analysts say the change also puts pressure on Washington's "wet-foot, dry-foot" policy, which lets nearly all Cubans who make it to the US stay and fast-tracks them for permanent residency, and throws the spotlight on US embargo rules that bar most American travel to Cuba.

At least when it comes to crossing the Florida Straits, "Cuba now provides greater freedom of travel to virtually all of its citizens than does the US", said John McAuliff of the Fund for Reconciliation and Development, which lobbies for engagement between Washington and Cuba.

This article is more than 8 years old. New law easing strict exit visa requirements means most Cubans now eligible to leave with just passport and identity card. European diplomats in Havana said their embassies had received a high volume of calls from would-be travellers. December : Castro allows regular, U.

April : Castro opens port of Mariel west of Havana for all Cubans who wish to leave. More than , rush by sea to the U. In June, President Jimmy Carter announces that those transporting migrants will face punishment. The opening is closed in September. August : Castro declares he will not stop Cubans trying to leave; some 40, take to sea heading for United States. Some reach Florida, some are stopped by the U. Coast Guard. Some die. September : After talks to end the rafter crisis, Cuban officials agree to curb the flow of refugees and promises not to prosecute or discriminate against those returned by the United States.

It also says most Cubans caught at sea will be returned to Cuba while those who reach U. October : Cuba announces it will no longer demand exit visas for travel abroad starting in January.

Granma published an editorial blaming the travel restrictions imposed in on U. The decree still imposes limits on travel by many Cubans. People cannot obtain a passport or travel abroad without permission if they face criminal charges, if the trip affects national security or if their departure would affect efforts to keep qualified labour in the country. Doctors, scientists, members of the military and others considered valuable parts of society currently face restrictions on travel to combat brain drain.

On the streets of Havana, the news was met with a mixture of delight and astonishment. Officials over the years often spoke of their desire to lift the exit visa, but talk failed to turn into concrete change. Wow, how great! See CDC for recommendations. The Cuban Central Bank announced new restrictions on the use or conversion of U. Travelers should confirm alternative payment options before traveling, as policies concerning the use of U. The Cuban government requires that travelers declare cash amounts over the equivalent of 5, USD.

When departing Cuba, U. Currency exchange houses at the airport are currently closed. Conversion of pesos to U. Travelers may export up to the equivalent of 5, USD. Anyone wishing to export more than this amount must demonstrate evidence that the currency was acquired legitimately from a Cuban bank. Department of the Treasury. Anyone located in the United States, regardless of citizenship and nationality, must comply with these regulations.

Individuals seeking to travel to Cuba are not required to obtain licenses from OFAC if their travel is covered by a general license. If travel is not covered by a general license, you must seek OFAC authorization in the form of a specific license. Travelers who fail to comply with regulations may face penalties and criminal prosecution. For travel-specific questions, please see 31 C. Visit the Embassy of Cuba website for the most current visa information.

Cuba requires visitors to have non-U. Cuba does not recognize the U. The Cuban government requires Cuban dual nationals to enter and depart Cuba using Cuban passports. Cuban-born U. Please verify this information with the Embassy of Cuba before you travel. Information about dual nationality , the prevention of international child abduction , and customs regulations can be found on our websites.

Cuban Requirements for Authorized Travelers: Attempts to enter or exit Cuba illegally, or to aid the irregular exit of Cuban nationals or other persons, are prohibited. Entering Cuban territory, territorial waters, or airspace without prior authorization from the Cuban government may result in arrest. Immigration violators are subject to prison terms ranging from four to thirty years.

See 15 C. If you are planning to enter Cuba with a U. Please see the U. In addition, a vessel of the United States, as defined in 33 C. Coast Guard. The U. Coast Guard provides permission information at The security environment in Cuba is relatively stable and characterized by a strong military and police presence.

Demonstrations are infrequent but can be violent. Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational without warning. Avoid demonstrations and maintain security awareness at all times.

Review the Cuba Travel Advisory. The Cuban government has detained U. The Cuban government may detain individuals for activities that would not be considered criminal or offensive in the United States. Crime: With the recent influx of travelers, there has been an increase in the number of property crimes, as well as violent crimes.

Crimes of opportunity, such as purse snatchings and car break-ins, are on the rise. There have also been recent reports of drugged sexual assault and armed robberies. Victims of Crime: U. Embassy for assistance. Report crimes to the local police at and contact the U. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

See our webpage on help for U. Domestic Violence: U. Tourism: The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.

Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business. Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law.

For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website. Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U. Embassy immediately. See our webpage for further information. The Government of Cuba does not recognize the U. Telecommunications: Many U.


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